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Losing a baby: How to cope with pregnancy loss

2024-06-03 12:49| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

How to cope with pregnancy loss

Losing a baby during pregnancy is a difficult and emotional experience. It's natural to feel an overwhelming sense of grief after a miscarriage or stillbirth, as well as a range of emotions like guilt, anger, sadness, and shock.

Juli Fraga, Psy.D.Medically reviewed by Juli Fraga, Psy.D., psychologistStephanie WatsonWritten by Stephanie Watson | Dec 2, 2021A woman with her hands on her face, looking sadly out a window.Photo credit: iStock.com / martin-dmIn this articlePregnancy loss isn't your faultGive yourself the time you need to healKnow that everybody grieves pregnancy loss differentlyIt's okay to talk about losing a babyYou can share the news about your pregnancy loss however you wantThere's support out there for you

For many, there's so much hope, expectation, and planning that goes into a pregnancy. When you have a miscarriage or a stillbirth, it can feel devastating and isolating. But know that you are far from alone: In the United States, between 10 and 15 out of every 100 pregnancies ends in miscarriage, while 1 in 160 pregnancies end in stillbirth.

It's normal to feel shock, grief, depression, guilt, anger, and a sense of failure and vulnerability after losing a baby. The days, weeks, months, and even years following a pregnancy loss can be incredibly difficult and painful – even more so if this wasn't your first miscarriage, or if you carefully planned this pregnancy and thought you'd done everything "right."

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If you told people you were pregnant, you might worry about announcing the news of your loss. You may find even the sincerest expressions of sympathy difficult to take.

Here are a few things to remember as you're coping with pregnancy loss:

Pregnancy loss isn't your fault

Pregnancy loss can affect anyone, and it's usually not related to something you did or didn't do. About half of early miscarriages are due to genetic problems or chromosomal abnormalities. The rest stem from things like:

Abnormal development of the embryo Fibroids, scar tissue, or other problems with the uterus A cervix that can't stay closed (incompetent cervix) Hormone problems Infection Injury Autoimmune diseases like lupus that cause your body to make antibodies against your baby

It’s normal to feel guilty or blame yourself for your pregnancy loss, and while these feelings are very real, it's not your fault. Be gentle, give yourself grace, and allow yourself time to recover.

Give yourself the time you need to heal

You can cycle through a range of emotions after a pregnancy loss – or you may simply feel withdrawn and moody and unable to concentrate or sleep. It's all valid.

Don't pressure yourself to get past the sadness quickly. Your healing will be more complete if you deal with your grief as it comes. You may find yourself reliving the pain, especially around your due date or other milestones. Over time, things will change and you'll feel better.

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Even if you feel physically fine, taking some time away from your job (if you're able) may be helpful. You need a chance to process what's happened. A break from your regular routine might help you acknowledge and accept all that you're going through.

Some private companies already offer paid time off for bereavement following a pregnancy loss, and Congress has proposed a bill called the Support Through Loss Act that, if signed into law, would require companies to offer three days of paid time off to those who have lost a pregnancy.

Video Know that everybody grieves pregnancy loss differently

Everyone grieves differently, and there's no right or wrong way to deal with grief. Honoring your baby is also a process that's unique to each person.

If your partner doesn't seem to be affected by the loss as deeply as you are, talk openly and honestly with them about what's happened and how it's affecting you. Share your feelings and your needs, but give each other the freedom to experience the loss in your own ways.

If your partner is male, it might be helpful to know that men and women can grieve for a pregnancy loss differently. Research has found that the psychological impact of a miscarriage is less intense and not as long-lasting in men as it is in women.

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Men can experience anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after a pregnancy loss, but not as frequently as women, research has found. So, don't misread your partner's stoicism as not caring, and don't judge yourself if you're not coping as well as they are.

It's okay to talk about losing a baby

Although it may seem painful or taboo to talk about, sharing your story can make you feel less alone and help you heal. You may be surprised by how many of your co-workers, cousins, neighbors, or friends have their own stories of loss and healing.

You may find understanding and support from unexpected people – which can help make up for the fact that some people you expected to understand don't seem to get how much you're hurting. Being open about your experience might also help erase the stigma for someone else, and give them the freedom and comfort to talk about their own pregnancy loss.

Keep in mind that someone who hasn't gone through a miscarriage really can't know what it's like. Most people want to say something comforting but don't know what to say. Try not to take it personally if they say the wrong thing or nothing at all.

You can share the news about your pregnancy loss however you want

Of course, you may not be ready to talk about your loss for a while. If it came after you announced your pregnancy, you may be in for painful confrontations with well-meaning friends and relatives who want to know how the baby is doing. One way to avoid this is to have a close friend spread the word about your loss and let everyone know you're not ready to talk about it.

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If you've announced your pregnancy on a social media site, you may want to post again, explaining that you've had a loss.

Having a young child at home can complicate the process of revealing your loss – but it's helpful to talk to your child about loss.

There's support out there for you

Just one search online will quickly remind you that you're not alone. Getting support after a miscarriage or a stillbirth through online forums might help you cope with a pregnancy loss.

Visit the BabyCenter Community for comfort, advice, and understanding from others who have gone or are going through a loss:

Miscarriage, Stillbirth & Infant Loss Support Group Miscarriage Support Group Recurrent Pregnancy Loss Group Advertisement | page continues below

For in-person help, ask your ob-gyn or midwife about pregnancy-loss support groups near you. Or visit Share, an online community for people who are dealing with miscarriage. They can connect you with support groups both in your community and online.

It may take a while to find a pregnancy loss, stillbirth, or miscarriage support group that suits you, so don't get discouraged if you don't like the first one you try. Try to see if you can find out in advance about the people in the group to see if you'll fit in. (Have most of them had early pregnancy loss, for example? Is it a group coping primarily with stillbirths?)

You may also want to look for a professional counselor to help you grapple with the difficult emotions you're experiencing right now and, ultimately, come to terms with your grief.

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Stanford Children's Health. Undated. Overview of Pregnancy Loss. https://www.stanfordchildrens.org/en/topic/default?id=overview-of-pregnancy-loss-90-P02466Opens a new window [Accessed November 2021]

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